Easy Kiwi Ice Cream Cake Recipes For Your Next Celebration

Ouida By Ouida

New Zealand summers are practically synonymous with sunshine, beaches, and, of course, delicious ice cream. But what if you could elevate your next summer gathering with a showstopping dessert that combines the refreshing coolness of ice cream with the comforting flavors of a homemade cake? Look no further than the classic Kiwi ice cream cake! This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, but it’s also completely customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your favorite flavors and dietary needs.


Easter layered ice cream cake
Easter layered ice cream cake

For the Cake:

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1 1/2 cups self-raising flour

  • 3/4 cup caster sugar
  • 125g butter, softened
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • For the Filling and Topping:

    1 liter of your favorite ice cream (softened slightly)

  • 1 cup fresh berries (such as strawberries, raspberries, or boysenberries)
  • 300ml thickened cream
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • Cocoa powder, for dusting (optional)
  • Directions:

    1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease and line a square baking tin (approximately 20cm x 20cm).

    2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and caster sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla extract.

    3. Sift the self-raising flour into the mixture and fold it in gently with a spatula, alternating with splashes of milk. Be careful not to overmix – a few lumps are perfectly fine.

    4. Pour the cake batter into the prepared baking tin and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool completely in the tin before assembling the ice cream cake.

    5. While the cake cools, prepare the whipped cream. In a clean, chilled bowl, whisk the thickened cream with the icing sugar until stiff peaks form.

    6. Once the cake is cool, take it out of the tin and place it on a serving plate. Spread a layer of softened ice cream over the top of the cake.

    7. Arrange your chosen fresh berries on top of the ice cream layer. If you’re feeling fancy, you can create a decorative pattern using different colored berries.

    8. Finally, dollop the whipped cream over the berries and ice cream, creating a smooth and even layer. You can use a spoon or a piping bag for a more professional look.

    9. Place the ice cream cake in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours, or overnight, to allow it to firm up completely. Before serving, you can dust the top with a light sprinkle of cocoa powder for an extra chocolatey touch.

    Nutrition Facts (per serving, approximate):

    It’s important to remember that the exact nutritional information will vary depending on the specific ice cream and cake ingredients you use. However, here’s a rough estimate:

    Calories: 400-500

  • Fat: 20-25g
  • Sugar: 40-50g
  • Carbohydrates: 40-50g
  • Protein: 5-10g
  • Please note: This is just a general guideline, and the actual nutritional content may differ.


    With its simple ingredients, easy assembly, and endless customization options, this homemade ice cream cake is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser for any Kiwi gathering. It’s perfect for birthdays, barbecues, or simply as a refreshing treat on a hot summer day. So grab your favorite ice cream flavor, whip up a quick cake, and get ready to impress your friends and family with this delicious Kiwi classic!


    1. Can I use store-bought cake instead of making my own?

    Absolutely! Feel free to use a boxed cake mix or a store-bought sponge cake to save time. Just make sure the size fits your baking tin.

    2. What are some other ice cream flavors that work well in this recipe?

    The beauty of this recipe is its versatility! You can use any flavor of ice cream you like. Here are a few suggestions: chocolate, strawberry, cookies and cream, mint chocolate chip, or even a combination of flavors!

    3. Do I have to use fresh berries?

    Not at all! Frozen berries work just as well. Just thaw them slightly before using to prevent them from making the ice cream too icy. You can also use other fruits like chopped peaches, mangoes, or pineapple.

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