Delicious Campfire Recipes For Minecraft Bedrock Players

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Grilled Minecraft Bedrock Steak

Calling all meat lovers! This campfire recipe takes a juicy steak to the next level by cooking it on a bed of hot Minecraft bedrock. The intense heat sears the outside of the steak while keeping the inside tender and flavorful.

How to Make a Campfire in Minecraft  Beebom
How to Make a Campfire in Minecraft Beebom


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1 thick-cut steak
Minecraft bedrock
Salt and pepper to taste


Place the Minecraft bedrock in the center of the campfire and let it heat up for 10 minutes.
Season the steak with salt and pepper on both sides.
Place the steak directly on the hot bedrock and cook for 3-5 minutes on each side, depending on desired doneness.
Remove the steak from the bedrock and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

Minecraft Bedrock S’mores

No campfire is complete without s’mores, and this unique twist on the classic treat will have everyone coming back for more. By using Minecraft bedrock as the base, you’ll add a smoky flavor to the gooey marshmallows and melted chocolate.


Graham crackers
Chocolate bars
Minecraft bedrock


Place the Minecraft bedrock in the campfire and let it heat up for 10 minutes.
Place a graham cracker on top of the bedrock, followed by a piece of chocolate and a marshmallow.
Top with another graham cracker and carefully remove from the heat.
Let the s’more sit for a minute to allow the chocolate to melt before enjoying.

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